Plant, maintain, harvest, observe, wait, seek to understand
The world of truffle growing is a mysterious word :
Imagine a word under the ground that lives in symbiosis with the outside word,
Imagine what the gold digger feels when he discovers a vein,
Feel this indescribable perfume though a simple and uncomplicated gastronomy
The mission of ma Terre Première : to share this passion and support you to create your own truffle orchard
Field expertise, advice, development, choice of species, maintenance, planting, yield, digging, marketing
Alexandre Dumas
The truffle is a mystery. The romans believed it was the results of the lightning of water and earth. They attributed aphrodisiac properties to its powerfull, balanced and unique flagrance. Pharaon Khéops, Kings, Napoléon loved to tast it. More recently, despite numerous scientific studies, it keeps its secret. It is a magical symbiosis that nature offers us to the delight of our taste buds !
MA TERRE PREMIERE, Gentillou, 24140 Saint Martin des Combes
MA TERRE PREMIERE, Gentillou, 24140 Saint Martin des Combes